Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Journal 6

What I learned from the book The House On Mango Street is that we can descrided something in many ways, since the author could desribe a new home from the color to how the people who live in the house feel. it has also showed me that how you describe something to someone is the only way to allow someone to see and feel what you feel.

My favorite story would have to be "Mango Says Good Bye Sometimes", it was the story that had ended the book it had showed me the author was showing us that she had put herself in the book where she describes the home as a safe haven for her to express herself and not be afraid of people judging her. I like this story because of the quote "They will not know i have gone away to come back.For the ones i left behind.For the one cannot out", i like this quote because it shows how she fews the world where she is invisbile to everyone who judges her but can be seen by the people who see her for who she is.


  1. yeah i agree on describeing the place, she did it in a uniqe way.

  2. I agree with the quote. on how anything you do will alwasys be remembered

  3. Good journal, i liked that passage as well!

  4. I like this chapter as well, good quote
